Ocean Animals & Sea Life

Animal Alphabet
Animal Alpabet is a large cross stitch kit of an alphabet with animals, each letter with a different..
Between the Coral
A smaller, but no less beautiful counted cross stitch kit of a yellow seahorse hanging from a red/ p..
Big Splash
Beautiful cross stitch kit of a humpback whale jumping out of the water, against a mountain backdrop..
Black & White Beauty
Beautiful and realistic cross stitch kit of a Killer Whale on Iceblue aida. Bring the ocean into y..
Brilliant Blue
A small counted cross stitch kit of a Blue Tang fish (like the one from the movie!) of 95 x 48 stitc..
Clown of the Ocean
Clown of the Ocean 85 x 89 stitches 15,4 x 16,2 cm or 6.1 x 6.4 inch (design) 14 count..
Cow of the sea
Very realistic and unusual cross stitch kit of a manatee or sea cow in shallow water near a patch ..
Small cross stitch kit of a beautiful bright coloured crab on sandy yellow aida, get a small piece..
Dolphin Smile
This small and fun cross stitch kit shows a smiling dolphin. It is a small but realistic cross sti..
First Journey
First Journey is a sweet little cross stitch kit of a baby green sea turtle comming out of the sand...
Flying Manta
Cross stitch kit of a beautiful manta ray swimming gracefully through the ocean. Almost flying. Th..
Cross stitch kit of wild dolphins jumping out of the ocean. Very realistic but simple to make, onl..
Funny and Beautiful
Fun cross stitch kit of a clownfish. This iconic fish isn't just funny, but also stunningly beau..
Killer Whale Encounter
Counted Cross Stitch Kit of the ocean animal, the Killer Whale. Very realistic and yet small and e..
King of the Rock
A stunning cross stitch kit of a sealion sitting on his rock like it is his throne. Complete kit w..
Ocean of the Great
A very special cross stitch kit of a Great White Shark deep in the ocean. With a very realistic un..
Small Emperor
Very small and easy cross stitch kit of a realistic baby emperor penguin. Only has 9 colours and i..
Spyhop 150 x 110 stitches 27,2 x 20 cm or 10.7 x 7.9 inch (design) 14 count, 5,5x/cm W..
Stone Pillow
Stone Pillow 110 x 68 stitches 20 x 12,4 cm or 7.9 x 4.9 inch (design) 14 count, 5,5x/..
Turtle Ocean
Cross stitch kit of a green sea turtle. This kit truly captures the beauty of the sea turtle. With..
Using its Head
Hammerhead shark cross stitch kit on 14ct iceblue aida fabric showing off his remarkable head. 214 x..
Killer Whale Tribute
Cross stitch kit of killer whales in different poses. Showing their true beauty. Large kit, but only..