African Animals

All of our African Animals: elephants, lions, zebra etc.
Animal Alphabet
Animal Alpabet is a large cross stitch kit of an alphabet with animals, each letter with a different..
Baby's Heart Birth Tile
Baby's Heart Birth Tile is a birth sampler cross stitch kit of a giraffe with heart pillow, fun ..
Elephant Family
Beautiful and endearing cross stitch kit of a family of elephant in the african bush. Very realist..
Golden King
Cross stitch kit of a male lion. Sitting with his golden manes, he looks like a true king. Golden Ki..
Grey Giant
This grey giant is a beautiful african elephant. A small, but very realistic kit. With 14 colours ..
Lion Life
Cross stitch kit with a beautiful lioness (female lion) staring over the plains of the african sav..
On the Lookout
On the Lookout 68 x 100 stitches 12,4 x 18,2 cm or 4.9 x 7.2 inch (design) 14 count, 5..
Prince of the Jungle
Small cross stitch kit of a cute lion cub looking alert with sparkling eyes. Is made on beautiful sa..
Stone Pillow
Stone Pillow 110 x 68 stitches 20 x 12,4 cm or 7.9 x 4.9 inch (design) 14 count, 5,5x/..
Stunning Stripes
Medium cross stitch kit of a zebra looking out over the plains. 110 x 165 stitches in size, stitched..
Tall Friend
Small cross stitch kit of a close up of a very tall but friendly guy, the giraffe! Beautiful bright ..
Wild Child
Small cross stitch kit of a young (baby) rhino, that is bouncing around playing. Stitched on beautif..